Sunday, March 18, 2012

Second Cup (McGill College Street)

It has been a while since the last time I posted a studying area on this blog, and I realized that March is ending very soon and I need to get my 4 posts / month done. So here it goes. 

Second Cup on McGill college Street. It is literally 47seconds walk from McGill's Roddick gate. This place seems like it has 5 entrance doors around the building, but only one door will open from outside and this one is facing the McGill College street. When you first step inside, this cafe looks pretty small, having only about 8 tables. But this place has a huge terrace if you go in the building further.  If you walk even further, there is a smaller area where tall tables are put around the wall and one big square table that is ideal for group study.

Once again, this is not a good place to study if you have any kind of ADHD. I wouldn’t suggest this place to any male student, because there are many fine ladies here. This is one of the reason why I decided to close my textbook and write this blog. Anyways, the price for the food and drinks here are basically the same as any other Second Cup in Canada. Second Cup is considered one of the high-priced café in Canada. If you are broke, I would recommend you to drink a tea, about 2.15$ including tax. As you drink, keep the tea bag and you can always refill the cup with hot water for free. This is a trustworthy trick, I worked at Second Cup last year.

Two cons that I can think of at the moment are the fact that this second cup is not 24h and the slowness of the WIFI network.

 Mitch's Rating (out of 5):

Esthetic : 4

Quietness: 2.5

Studying Environment: 3.5

Opening hours: 3

Availability of sneaking food inside: 5

Availability of snacks around the study area: 5

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